-i make all types of songs
-i have no knowledge on how to properly make music i just started doing this one day
-if you found me from my 2021 music please listen to anything i posted after 2021!
-you can use my music in geometry dash!

Age 16, Male



new york city

Joined on 6/12/21

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joles8's News

Posted by joles8 - 13 days ago

Hey guysā€¦. Itā€™s been a minute since Iā€™ve posted anything related to music on this account huh?

Likeā€¦ a reallllyyy long timeā€¦ I havenā€™t had a break this long since that period from August 2023-January 2024!

This has happened to me before, and it was inevitable for it to happen again. However, after many months, Iā€™ve created THREE, thats right, THREE new songs that are on my profile now!!!

The only other song I posted here prior to these songs was a song called ā€œNothingā€, but Iā€™ve come to the conclusion that it doesnā€™t belong on this profile, and it just wasnā€™t as good as I wanted it to be. So shout out the the extremely small number of you who even noticed that song, lol.

Just a heads up, these songs are weird, to say the least. But lets be honestā€¦ If your familiar with my songs, that shouldnā€™t be a surprise since most are not similar to each other at all.

Links to them are here, in order from newest to oldest.



Posted by joles8 - May 19th, 2024

Hey!! Thought Iā€™d make a post here since I havenā€™t uploaded anything on here since Februaryā€¦

Recently, Iā€™ve been using an alternative account to upload songs that I make me fun that I deem acceptable to be uploaded, but not on this account, which I consider to be my main..

check it out if you want to listen to weirder stuff: strosyvana.newgrounds.com

I just uploaded this song on there which Iā€™m pretty happy with: https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/1324879

more to come soon!!!

Ok byee

Posted by joles8 - March 24th, 2024

Hey guys!! Been a minute since Iā€™ve posted anything here. Iā€™ve been meaning to do this for a while, but soon, Iā€™m going to purge my page of all the tracks I personally donā€™t enjoy. Now donā€™t worry, I obviously wonā€™t be deleting them forever, Iā€™m going to simply unpublish them. Some of my first songs ever made are still on here and are horribleā€”not saying my current songs are a masterpiece or whateverā€”and they still get a lotttt of listens for some reasonā€¦

I also want to rename the tracks on the ā€œgeometry dashā€ albumā€¦ I made it to annoy someone who I donā€™t even talk to anymore, and it kind of makes me cringe every time I see that theyā€™re some of my most popular tracks @_@ā€¦

TL;DR: I want to make my profile look the way I want it to look, so Iā€™m going to archive a lot of stuff soon ā„¢ļø and will be renaming some 2021 songs

BTW, reminder that I have a lot of archives of this page on the WayBack machine which you can view here:



Posted by joles8 - February 20th, 2024

Hello!!!! New song!!!! Hereā€™s the link:

Also , new video on my YouTube after half a year of no uploads!!! Itā€™s nothing new, but check it out if you want:




Posted by joles8 - January 21st, 2024

Hey guys!!! Sorry I vanished for like 5 months lol Iā€™m still alive šŸ˜ø New song is here!!:

I went on hiatus because I had no ideas for new music, but today that finally changes! I made this song on my phone, and will continue to do so since I no longer have my iPad (which I used to make my songs on.)

I still think about purging half of the stuff on my profile because Iā€™m not very proud of it, so if anything changes and you somehow notice, thats why.

You can see old versions of my profile on the Wayback Machine, click here if your interested:


P.S, I updated the audio to one of my old songs and you should check it out IMOā€¦ I like it, and it sounds even better now!! If your interested in checking that out, click here:

If you read up to here then Thank you for reading!! More music (hopefully) coming out in 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Posted by joles8 - August 7th, 2023

hey guys i made a new album and im pretty happy with it


available to listen here and on youtube ^^




Posted by joles8 - May 20th, 2023

Making ā€œalbumā€ covers is fun, and many of my old songs that are in an album have random covers, so you donā€™t really know that they are supposed to be listened to together unless you listen to them all, which I know no one does

Might update them all before the month ends, so expect my profile to look different soon

Also, ever since I made this account, Iā€™ve been archiving it on the wayback machine, check it out here if interested!!:


Posted by joles8 - March 6th, 2023

hey guys im still here i just havent been able to make any music that i like but that changes today!! Go check out the new song now!!!

Posted by joles8 - September 26th, 2022

hey guys i made a new album



pls listen to it Right now

Posted by joles8 - August 28th, 2022

only kept the ones im still kinda proud of